21.11.2022, 11:00-Historical GIS and digital tools for the analysis and enhancement of geo-historical and cartographic sources

21.11.2022, 11:00-Historical GIS and digital tools for the analysis and enhancement of geo-historical and cartographic sources

Data inizio: 21/11/2022

Data fine: 21/11/2022

Ora: 11:00

Cycle of seminars "Modern and Contemporary History and Historiography" / Seminar cycle "Literature and texts-modern and contemporary history"
Zoom Platform - link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84410898654?pwd=WGcyejRRbjcxZHExeXdWMDJ1M2tiZz09 meeting ID : 844 1089 8654 Passcode: 378754

-Scarica la locandina

Abstract In recent years, digital tools have increasingly been called upon to support humanist scholars. In the cartographic and geo-historical fields, as well as in other disciplines, GIS is assuming a central role. The intervention aims to highlight the potential of GIS and other digital tools in the analysis and use of historical cartography, also by integrating other geo-historical sources. After having dealt with some aspects from the theoretical point of view, some case studies will be presented as examples.
Speaker Arturo Gallia Roma Tre University
Coordinators Silvia Siniscalchi University of Salerno Pierluigi De Felice University of Salerno