Morphological Structure in the Mental Lexicon - a Romance Perspective
Data inizio: 15/02/2024
Data fine: 15/02/2024
Ora: 11.30
Durata totale: 2h
Luogo: Sala conferenze III piano edificio 3D
CFU: 1
What are the units stored in the mental lexicon? Does morphological structure play a role in lexical representations in language production and processing? These are two core questions that linguistic theories and psycholinguistic studies have been tackling over the last decades. While some models propose complex interactions between several levels of representation, others claim that only phonological and semantic information are necessary to compute and decode linguistic structures.
In this lecture, we are going to look into the potential role of morphological structure in lexical representations of prefixed verbs. After a short introduction into theories of the mental lexicon and lexical processing, we are going to explore how speakers of Italian and French process prefixed verbs and what this can tell us about the underlying lexical representations in these two languages.